I’m speaking with Scott Cordier, a certified financial planner for the past 28 years, and Certified Infinite Banking Practitioner.

I randomly stumbled on the Infinite Banking Concept several months back, and have never looked back since. Infinite Banking is a financial strategy that has been used by the wealthiest people in the world for generations, which is also available to anyone. To fully grasp and understand the concept requires you to re-wire the way you think about money and finance. Once you do, you’ll truly understand the power it holds and opportunities it opens up. Not to mention the legacy it can leave your family.

My hope in this episode is to help scratch the surface, and get as many people interested as possible so they can start their own research.

Some of the topics we discuss:

  • What is infinite banking
  • The historical rates of returns on policies
  • Dividends paid for 100+ years, including during both World Wars, The Great Depression, and the 2008 Financial Crisis
  • Your cash growing 100% tax-free
  • Taking out loans on your policy to fund investments, expenses, and lifestyle
  • Why less than 1% of financial advisors know about this concept
  • Why this is more beneficial than investing in stocks

To learn more about Infinite Banking in Canada, visit https://ibcanadagroup.com/